
The story from Birregin Caro Amico (buyers nightmare)...

How it started:

On 25-01-2011 we picked up our new boy in Finland from Birregin cattery, Regina Bogdanoff.

At Her home who is a other house as mention on her website (she changed website and photos after this letter on my website) we drink thee and when I check the kitten I did not see any testicles but this breeder assure me 3 times this kitten had testicles and she told me also the vet (80 km from her home!!)
Satu Olkkonen did see them and signed for it.Well, I suppose to have trust in this breeder and her vet so I took the kitten with me. Two days later I went to the vet because I still did not see/feel any testicels. The vet examinee this kitten and did not find any testicles also not in his inguins and never been there at all. And he told me cats cannot lift up testicels, this is impossible, bull’s and horses can but cats not. I contacted this breeder and she did not believe me.

I did ask her my money back for kitten and travel but she refuse. After some e-mails she offered me another kitten but I have to pay first 650 euro Accusing me on fb for manipulating photos from this kitten and let others believe I was wrong and lie about all this.. I offered her to do the all test she wanted, x-ray, ultra sound, scope but no answer.
On face book she wrote I can bring this kitten back to her, but she don’t give any answer on my e-mails. This breeder can tell everything she want, but it is a fact this kitten don’t have any testicles

Click here for the video

I bought this kitten as future stud for my cattery and this cost me 1.600 euro. Week 5 in 2011 I wrote to her vet about this case and the fault she did make but no answer back.
Regina Bogdanoff starting sending me e-mails, horrible e-mails telling I am a liar and more very bad things. Also on face book is she telling a lot and big lies and sending private e-mails to my best friends telling bad things about me. I can put easy all this e-mails on my website but I don’t want to be as low as Regina Bogdanoff.
In my last e-mail I offered her to come to Finland, I pay the travel, then at the arrive go to the vet to do a examination on the kitten.

If I am right about the missing testicels, she have to pay me the kitten and the first travel back =1.600 euro, if I am wrong I will apologize to her and to everyone she want. SHE REFUSE THIS.!!! How strange……………………
With refusing this she admit I am right.

She can scream to the world world I am wrong and she is right but if she did sell a kitten with testicles thy must still be there, thy can not disappear.
Birrigin Caro Amico, a lovely beautiful kitten I would really like to have as stud. Its so very sad to have to do all this, but I only want justice.

So its easy and very clear who is speaking the true.

Latest update 15-09-2011 surgery rapportation from our vet surgeon. CLICK HERE......

Update 04-08-2011 In may I wrote Regina a registered letter to ask for my money back or for a new kitten, but she refuse this letter. CLICK HERE......

Update 07-07-2011 operation footage: Photo 1  -  Photo 2  - Photo 3 - Photo 4  -  Photo 5  -  Photo 6  -  Photo 7  -  Photo 8  - Photo 9   Photo 10.

I want to do a request to any person who has a bad experience with this breeder to write me private and share this to me: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Update 20-02-2012 new movie from Birregin caro amigo to proof the cat on published photos and movies is Birregin Caro amigo.